File: joindomainorworkgroup ou
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Date: 17.04.2012
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joindomainorworkgroup ou
If I don't actually try to specify an OU and use NULL in this bit: ReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strDomain, _ strPassword, strDomain & "" & strUser.
JoinDomainOrWorkGroup with ADA computer is placed in a default OU when joining the domain. You. off ComputerSystem Where “name = ‘%computername%’” call JoinDomainOrWorkgroup “OU. Shodge wrote: > I am trying to call the JoinDomainorWorkgroup Method using VBScript > > strOU = """OU=TAG Lab,OU=Engineering > Labs,DC=emcdevdr,DC=emcdev,DC=emc. I'm using the JoinDomainOrWorkgroup method in a workstation build script to join a domain but I. WriteToLog "Computer already in right OU" MoveComputerToOU =True
JoinDomainOrWorkgroup method of the Win32_ComputerSystem ClassReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup (Domain, _ Password, _ Domain & "" & Username, _ OU, _ JOIN_DOMAIN + ACCT_CREATE) Logger "DomainJoin","Domain join.
Need vbs script to add computer in the domain (OU ) - Windows.
Join a computer to a domain’s OU « Wouter Coppens's BloglngReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strDomain, _ strPassword, strDomain. You must use the Distinguished Name (DN) of the Organizational Unit. This is
Re: Win32_computersystem JoinDomainOrWorkgroup Method
joindomainorworkgroup ou JoinDomainOrWorkgroup method of the Win32_ComputerSystem Class
JoinDomainOrWorkgroup method of the Win32_ComputerSystem Class
Joining a Windows 7 Client to a Domain through PowerShell.
JoinDomainOrWorkGroup - Windows Vista Tips
How can I join a domain from the command line?
How can I join a domain from the command line?
Join a computer to a domain’s OU « Wouter Coppens's Blog